Sunday, November 16, 2014

What I Am For...

  • Treat Gobal Warming as big a threat as an attack on the country.
  • Campaign Finance Reform.
  • Spending our tax dollars on improving our country's infrastructure.
  • Balanced federal budget.
  • A government that supports our Veterans better.
  • All elected federal officials and federal gov't. workers paying into Social Security as their only retirement plan. Stop offering any other government retirement plan.
  • Strong regulations for clean air, clean water and land use.
  • Strong gun control.
  • Raising the Minimum Wage to $15.00 per hour.
  • Immigration Reform.
  • Laws guaranteeing women the right to any type of birth control they want.
  • Laws guaranteeing women the right to an abortion and ready access to clinics.
  • A Healthcare System like Medicare for everyone (single payer system).
  • Tax incentives for Renewable Energy, and no tax breaks for non-renewable energy companies.
  • Raise taxes for everyone back to level when Clinton was President.
  • A corporate tax system that sets a minimum of 20% rate on companys' federal tax bill.
  • A government that does not start wars.
  • A Congress that works in Washington at least 80% of all weekdays.
  • A Congress made up of at least 40% women.
  • Elected leaders who believe in science based knowledge:

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived, and dishonest—but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."
John J. Kennedy
Commencement Address, Yale Univ., 1962

Monday, July 28, 2014

Reasons to Vote for Democrats...

If you want Immigration Reform,
vote for Democrats.

If you want to make some headway on Global Warming,
vote for Democrats.

If you want to raise the Minimum Wage,
vote for Democrats.

If you want your leaders to believe in science (both when the news is good and bad),
vote for Democrats.

If you want to stay out of more wars,
vote for Democrats.

If you want Campaign Finance Reform,
vote for Democrats.

If you want to repair our roads and bridges (and put more people to work),
vote for Democrats.

If you want more Renewable Energy,
vote for Democrats.

If you want to support our Veterans better,
vote for Democrats.

If you want women to be able to make their own choices about their birth control,
vote for Democrats.

If you want to reduce the federal deficit,
vote for Democrats.

If you want stronger pollution regulations,
vote for Democrats.

If you want huge corporations to pay their fair share in taxes (at least not be able to pay zero),
vote for Democrats.

If you want the House of Representatives (who we pay $200K per year) to work more than 50% of a normal work month,
vote for Democrats.

If you want more women in Congress,
vote for Democrats.

If you want the more than 25% of unfilled foreign Ambassador positions to be filled,
vote for Democrats.

If you want more reasonable gun control,
vote for Democrats.

If you want fewer uneducated, angry, dangerous men in Congress,
vote for Democrats.

Thank you President Obama

If you want your Congress to work again
                                       vote for Democrats!