Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Changing America - No Stopping It

Just like America went from almost all Protestants to Protestants being less than 50%…
it is going from almost all white to whites being less than 50%.

No matter how angry those fearful of this change get, it is going to happen. I suspect there will be a lot of violence the next few decades as “macho whites” blame everyone else for their own shortcomings. They will never accept they caused their own place in America’s system. While many of them didn't work very hard getting a good education, the immigrants coming to America are working their tails off getting good educations.

Like it or not, after 2025, the current form of the GOP will never win another national election (or perhaps sooner). And probably after 2040, they will stop winning Statewide elections. America, through its new immigrant populations, will finally completely leave its Wild West roots behind (that macho whites want to hang onto) and move into its more "Community" phase. The cattle ranchers will fade away, and the sheep farmers will take over.

Check out this book just published on this topic:
"The End of White Christian America" by Robert P. Jones (2016)

Protestants = >90%

Protestants =       46%
Catholic =            21%
Other Christian =   3%
Non-Christian =     6%
Unaffiliated =        24%

This image is from "The End of White Christian America":

Let Ideas, Not Gangs, Compete

A great article on CNN by Marc J. Randazza. See excerpt below:

Marc J. Randazza is a Las Vegas-based First Amendment attorney and managing partner of the Randazza Legal Group.

It is a fair opinion to think Trump's speech is offensive, problematic, or hateful. But, the First Amendment requires neither tact nor politeness. It requires that we permit all views to set up stalls in the marketplace of ideas, and we let that marketplace decide which ideas prevail. That is why it is called "the marketplace of ideas," not "the marketplace of gangs beating each other up." 
Would Trump similarly stand up for the rights of others? I doubt it. But that is not the point. 
If you don't stand up for Trump's liberty today, someone may come for yours tomorrow. 
If we believe in free speech, we need to believe in Trump's as well. 
• The richest Wall Street banker must side with Occupy when the cops attack them.
• Parents of mixed-race children must side with the KKK when they are attacked.
• Even Illinois Nazis should stand up for Jews if someone tries to silence them with violence. 
Dammit, this is the United States of America, and there is room for the entire spectrum of political discourse. 
And no matter how right you think you are, you are never so clearly right, never so without fault, never so pure, that you have any moral authority to shut down the other side with violence. When you do that, the eventual result is that he who brings the bigger guns will win the debate. 
That is not what America is all about.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Are You Angry About US Illegal Immigration?

If you are angry about illegal immigration in the US, you are way off target if you direct your anger towards the Mexicans who cross our border.

White American businessmen are hiring and paying every illegal immigrant in the US. They are the culprits who got us in this mess. They stand up and rage about US immigration policy, and then they go back to work and encourage illegal immigration to get the cheap labor.

If you're white, middle class and up, and live in Texas, Arizona, California or Florida, you likely have friends who are hiring and paying the illegal immigrants. It's your friends who you should yell at. They are to blame for encouraging Mexicans to cross our border for work.

"The U.S. Department of Labor has confirmed to CNN that between 2013 and fall 2015, Trump's Mar-a-Lago club posted 250 seasonal job openings and filled just 4 of those jobs with American workers. The club requested the rest of the staff be temporarily imported through the Federal government's H-2B visa process. Basically, Mar-a-Lago brings in its seasonal staff from overseas."