Sunday, April 19, 2020

GOP Now Ideologically Bankrupt

Below is proof that the GOP is bankrupt ideologically. But it you don’t need anymore proof, just watch this YouTube video… it’s really, really funny!


In the past few years (ever since Trump was elected), Republicans stopped being an advocate for a balanced budget and reducing the deficit, they shed the myth they were for family values when they elected Trump, and now they gave up on their last big ideological principle of giving the States more power than the Federal Gov’t.

Of course being the party of hypocrisy, as soon as there is a Democratic President, they will say they are for those things again (which they are ignoring under Trump). But now we know they don’t give a shit about anything except:

I want more for me, now… so:
1. Make my taxes very low and stop helping other Americans in need.
2. Make my taxes very low and stop all regulations for clean air and water that hurt big corporations.
3. Make my taxes very low and stop talking about giving health care to more Americans.
4. Make my taxes very low and stop talking about global warming.
5. Make my taxes very low and stop talking about the coronavirus.
6. Make my taxes very low and stop investing in the future.
7. Make my taxes very low and stop … ad infinitum.

I have no problem with conservatives being selfish and only caring about themselves; that’s their right. What I don’t like is how they hide behind the fictions they are for a balanced budget, family values and States rights. I guess they are embarrassed to admit all they care about is lower taxes and never wanting the government to spend a penny unless it benefits them personally, right now.

P.S. To Republicans who say abortion is the most important issue:
Abortions impact less than 0.2% of Americans. Clean air and water, healthcare, global warming, and ending the Covid-19 outbreak impact 100% of Americans!