Saturday, March 5, 2016

Are You Angry About US Illegal Immigration?

If you are angry about illegal immigration in the US, you are way off target if you direct your anger towards the Mexicans who cross our border.

White American businessmen are hiring and paying every illegal immigrant in the US. They are the culprits who got us in this mess. They stand up and rage about US immigration policy, and then they go back to work and encourage illegal immigration to get the cheap labor.

If you're white, middle class and up, and live in Texas, Arizona, California or Florida, you likely have friends who are hiring and paying the illegal immigrants. It's your friends who you should yell at. They are to blame for encouraging Mexicans to cross our border for work.

"The U.S. Department of Labor has confirmed to CNN that between 2013 and fall 2015, Trump's Mar-a-Lago club posted 250 seasonal job openings and filled just 4 of those jobs with American workers. The club requested the rest of the staff be temporarily imported through the Federal government's H-2B visa process. Basically, Mar-a-Lago brings in its seasonal staff from overseas."

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